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Soft Tissue Injuries Need PEACE & LOVE
Over the years, many of us have heard the acronyms ICE, PRICE and POLICE for the management of soft tissue injuries such as sprains and strains.
Although these acronyms are widely known, the evidence supporting these elements is quite limited.
There is new research coming out that suggests two new acronyms to optimize recovery. These two acronyms encompass the continuum of care from immediate care (PEACE) to subsequent care (LOVE).
Immediately after a soft tissue injury, we should let PEACE guide our approach.
P for Protect:
We should unload and/or restrict movement for 1-3 days to minimize further bleeding and prevent further injuring the fibers. Rest, however, should be minimi
zed as prolonged rest can compromise tissue strength and quality.
E for Elevate:
Elevate your injured limb higher than the heart to promote decrease in swelling.
A for Avoid anti-inflammatory:
Anti-inflammatory medications may potentially be detrimental for long term tissue healing. Inflammation play an important role in soft tissue regeneration and inhibiting such an important process could impair healing, especially when a higher dosage is taken.
C for Compress:
External pressure using taping or bandages helps limit swellings and bruising. There is evidence showing compression after an ankle sprain seems to help reduce swelling and improve quality of life.
E for Educate:
Therapists should educate patients on the benefits of an active approach to recovery. Better education on the condition and load management will help avoid overtreatment as well as help set realistic expectations about recovery times.
After the first days have passed, soft tissue injuries must be given some LOVE
L for Load:
An active approach with movements and exercise benefits most patients. Adding mechanical stress without aggravating the injury, promotes repair, remodelling and rebuilding strength.
O for Optimism:
The brain plays a key role in rehabilitation interventions. Pessimistic patient expectations are also associated with suboptimal outcomes and worse prognosis.
V for Vascularization:
Physical activity that includes aerobic exercise has been shown to improve function, work status and reduce the need for pain medications.
E for Exercise:
Exercises and rehabilitation will help restore mobility, strength and proprioception early after the injury. Pain should be avoided to ensure optimal repair during the early phases of recovery.
Managing injuries is more than just damage control. Whether you are dealing with a wrist sprain or a hamstring strain, I hope this article will encourage you to give your injury some PEACE & LOVE.
Contact us if you need help giving your injury some PEACE & LOVE.
1.Dubois B, Esculier JF. Soft tissue injuries need PEACE & LOVE. British Journal of Sports Medicine.
April 26, 2019.